Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park is Closed to Through Travel for the 2024 Season10/25/2024 Today, Friday, October 25, Trail Ridge Road (U.S. Highway 34) inside Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) officially closed for the season to through travel. With 11 miles of road located at elevations above 11,500 feet, few guard rails, and no shoulders, Trail Ridge Road is not designed to be an all-season road. Winter conditions of drifting snow, high winds and below- freezing temperatures occur above 10,000 feet. Trail Ridge Road is currently closed at Rainbow Curve on the east side of RMNP and at the Colorado River Trailhead on the west side of the park. Closure points on the road may fluctuate this fall, however the road is closed to through travel for the season. Interested in taking a scenic drive? There are several popular scenic driving destinations open this time of year, including Bear Lake Road, Endovalley Road, Trail Ridge Road on the west side of RMNP from Grand Lake Entrance to the Colorado River Trailhead and Trail Ridge Road on the east side of RMNP to Rainbow Curve. Trail Ridge Road normally opens the last week in May, weather permitting. In 2024, Trail Ridge Road opened on Friday, May 31. Old Fall River Road closed to vehicles for the season on October 8. Trail Ridge Road and Old Fall River Road will remain open to bicycles, hikers, and people walking leashed pets through November 30. Leashed pets and bicycles are only allowed on the roads, not on side trails. On December 1, both roads will transition to "winter trail status." On Sunday, December 1, 2024, bicycles and leashed pets will no longer permitted to travel beyond the closed gates. Pedestrians, snowshoers and skiers will be welcome to recreate during the winter season on both roads. For more information about Rocky Mountain National Park, please visit or call the park’s Information Office at (970) 586-1206.
Due to freezing temperatures and precipitation turning to snow accumulation at higher elevations, Trail Ridge Road, which is US Highway 34 through Rocky Mountain National Park is temporarily closed at Milner Pass on the west side of the park and Rainbow Curve on the east side of the park. Trail Ridge Road recorded status line will be updated when and if the road status changes (970) 586-1222.
Beginning on Monday, October 7, 2024, the Bierstadt Lake parking area, located on Bear Lake Road on the east side of Rocky Mountain National Park, will be closed for a vault toilet replacement project. Weather and conditions permitting, this parking area, including a shuttle stop, will be closed for approximately six weeks.
This project involves removing the existing vault toilet infrastructure which has exceeded its service life and installing a new vault toilet building. These needed improvements are funded by visitor recreation fees. Due to the equipment necessary to complete this project, the size of the parking area and entrance and exit areas, the Bierstadt Lake parking area will be closed for the duration of the project. There will be no vehicle access and shuttle service will not be available at this stop. Vehicles will not be permitted to stop in the lane of traffic on Bear Lake Road to load/unload passengers. There are numerous trails that lead to Bierstadt Lake, including from Bear Lake, Hollowell Park and Park and Ride. To board the park’s free shuttles and to access other destinations along Bear Lake Road, hikers will have to use alternate trailheads. For more information on Rocky Mountain National Park, visit our website at or call the park’s Information Office at (970) 586-1206. |
RMNP UpdatesPress Releases from Rocky Mountain National Park and the Rocky Mountain Conservancy.
March 2025