RMNP UPDATE - February 25, 2022 Each year to protect raptor nesting sites, Rocky Mountain National Park officials initiate temporary closures in areas of the park. To ensure that these birds of prey can nest undisturbed, specific areas within the park are closed temporarily to public use during nesting season and monitored by wildlife managers. Due to high nesting activity in 2020 and 2021, closures will begin again this year on February 15 rather than March 1. These closures will continue through July 31, if appropriate. These closures may be extended longer or rescinded at an earlier date depending on nesting activity.
A closure is in place in the Loch Vale area which includes Cathedral Wall. The areas above the Loch Vale-Sky Pond Trail are closed to off trail travel. In the Lumpy Ridge area closures include Checkerboard Rock, Lightning Rock, Batman Rock, Batman Pinnacle, Sundance, Thunder Buttress, The Parish, Bookmark Pinnacle, The Left Book, Bookmark, Twin Owls, Rock One and the Needle. These closures include the named formations. Closures include all climbing routes, outcroppings, cliffs, faces, ascent and descent routes and climber access trails to the named rock formations. Check the park’s website at www.nps.gov/romo/raptor-closures.htm for maps and updated information on raptor closures. The National Park Service is committed to preserving birds of prey. If nest sites are located or territorial behaviors such as aggressive divebombing/vocalizing or birds fleeing nest sites due to human disturbance are observed, please report the general location to [email protected]. The same cliffs that are critical for raptors also appeal to climbers. The cooperation of climbing organizations and individuals continues to be essential to the successful nesting of raptors in the park. For further information on Rocky Mountain National Park, please visit www.nps.gov/romo or call the park’s Information Office at (970) 586-1206.
RMNP UPDATE - February 1, 2022 Rocky Mountain National Park and Rocky Mountain Conservancy are co-hosting a virtual "Science Behind the Scenery" webinar series in lieu of the park's traditional Biennial Research Conference. Beginning on February 15, 2022, this webinar series will be taking place on Tuesdays from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm MST from February 15 to March 15, 2022. The webinar series will be available online via GoToWebinar.
Online registration for the webinar series is currently open. This webinar series is free and open to the public. Rocky Mountain National Park hosts one of the largest research programs in the National Park Service, with nearly 100 research permits active each year. Park research partners come from other federal agencies, the State of Colorado, and universities around the world. Each webinar will focus on one resource topic. Researchers will present for 15 minutes each followed by a Question & Answer session during which time audience members can engage with presenters. A representative from Rocky Mountain National Park will be available to discuss applications of the research. Webinar topics include Visitor Use Management, Species Conservation, Riparian Ecosystem Restoration, and Fire and Forests. To sign up for the webinar series and to see a more detailed program schedule, as well as to learn about past research conferences, visit https://www.nps.gov/rlc/continentaldivide/research-conference.htm If would like more information about Rocky Mountain National Park, please visit www.nps.gov/romo or call the park’s Information Office at (970) 586-1206. |
RMNP UpdatesPress Releases from Rocky Mountain National Park and the Rocky Mountain Conservancy.
March 2025